Sailor Mars is a fictional character in the Sailor Moon manga series created by Naoko Takeuchi. Makoto is her sailor form's alternative human identity as part of the Sailor Soldiers, female supernatural fighters who protect the Solar System from evil.
In the series, Makoto is the third Sailor Soldier to be discovered by Usagi Tsukino, and serves as the "muscles" of the group,[1] as she possesses superhuman strength, as well as powers associated with electricity and plants.
One of the famous character of the sailor moon series is the Kino Makoto/ sailor Jupiter which became very popular among the fans of this series. Sailor Jupiter is a girl character who likes being tomboy and is in early fourteen year old school going girl. Sailor Jupiter is a strong character who has got the strength and lightening power and also the power over plants. With such power the sailor Jupiter became very popular among the school going girl who wanted to be like her so the costume of Kino Makoto is available for sale. The beautiful costume is available on cheap rates and it contains all accessories such as dress, gloves, front bow, headdress, shoes and back bow.
Cosplay as the agent of love and courage Sailor Jupiter in this Sailor Jupiter Cosplay costume!
Sailor Jupiter is one of the five original inner Sailor Senshi of the Sailor system. Her civilian identity is Makoto Kino. This fitting stretchable and amazingly comfortable Sailor Jupiter Cosplay Costume comprising of skirt, choker, front bow, back bow, tiara, elastic hairband and gloves. Cosplayers grab it now!