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Celebrate The National Day !!

 Celebrate The National Day !!

   Attention ProCosplay Friends,We will be away for three days.During Oct 1st to Oct 3rd,all the emails and the orders,We will handle by Oct 4th.Appreciate your understand ,thanks :D
Have a nice day.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival !!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!
   Attention ProCosplay Friends,We will be away for three days ,and come back after The Mid-Autumn Festival.During 6th of Sept to 8th of Sept,all the emails and the orders,We will handle by 9th of Sept.Appreciate your understand ,thanks :D
Have a nice day !

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Steve Rogers Cosplay Idea-Interview With Justin Morgan

Interview with Justin Morgan,a really cool man !!!

So , introduce yourself shortly and say hi to everybody :D

   Hello ProCosplay! And All The Cosplay people of the world. I'm Justin Morgan. I'm a comedian and a writer.

1. How did you know about and get into Cosplaying?
    I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia originally. And every year at our local science fiction/fantasy convention called Dragon*Con, I would see hundreds and hundreds of people dressing up. They dressed up as comic book characters, anime characters, pop culture characters, everything. I just kind of really appreciated it.

2. What makes you want to cosplay?

    It's like letting your inner child out to play and telling him any day can be Halloween. There is great humor and joy in doing this.

3. Can you share your first cosplay experience and what character did you portray? How long have you been cosplaying?
    The first time I cosplayed was the summer that the first Pirates Of The Caribbean movie came out. I went to the previously mentioned Dragon*Con and I did Captain Jack Sparrow. It wasn't great, but it was fun. I was acting at the time so I got into it enough that I did the voice and had a great amount of fun. I think there's a picture of it somewhere still.

4.Can you tell us your favorite characters about the Anime ?
    I can't pin down one, but, I adore Cowboy Bebop, Akira and anything from the films of Hayao Miyazaki (if that counts.)

5.I know that you like Captain America ,Why ?
   To be honest, my favorite superhero was always Daredevil. He was blind, his superpower wasn't his fault. But he did some dark things. Then after seeing what the new Marvel Films did with Cap, I quickly learned to adore such a genuine good guy. He made me want to be a better person.

6. Have you had the experience of a cosplay gone bad, or encoutered some    problems while cosplaying? What are those?
    Sometimes my biggest problems involve sizing. I am not as skinny as I once was, so even customized pieces fit a little large. That being said part of the joy is doing what you can to make it work. To make it exactly what you want.

7. Which aspect of cosplay do you prefer: making garments, creating accessories, crafting props, makeup/prosthetics, etc?
    Creating accessories or crafting props is incredibly fun. It's like making toys.

8. For your Captain Amercian cosplay, what preparations have you done?
    I purchased the customized outfit from a gentleman named Tony Chan. I purchased the iconic Captain America shield and found the appropriate boots. I also happened to talk my fiancee into dressing as Black Widow.

9. What future cosplays are you planning?
    As a huge Doctor Who fan, I think the brand new Twelfth Doctor is in my future. I recently saw his premiere episode and think he's just fantastic. I also believe my fiancee and I will doing characters from the american children's TV show Pee Wee's Playhouse very soon.

10. What's your dream cosplay?
      I'd love to get a Daredevil suit. He's still my favorite superhero. But cowls are just so hard because they have to form fit to your face. I'm also not sure spandex would work on me unless I started working out more. If I could find a way to do a more tactical Daredevil suit, and I could get the cowl right, I absolutely would ... That or Mrs. Doubtfire when I am older.

11. Would you consider yourself as an Amateur or a Pro-cosplayer?
      To this day I consider myself an amateur. I have met so many professionals, and they are so dedicated and so incredibly good at what they do. It's not merely a hobby to a professional, it's an unbridled passion. And those who have found a way to make money doing it, found a way to make money playing dress up ... well, that is something to be admired.

12. Aside from cosplaying, what other things keep you busy in life?
I am a comedian and a writer. I do stand-up comedy, sketch comedy and am actively writing my first graphic novel. I also work actively in television production.

13. What advice can you share to your fellow cosplayers and cosplay virgins?
      Don't be afraid to make it your own. To add flair to it to distinguish yourself from others with similar ideas. Nothing is too strange. If you wanna do Disco Totoro, then do it. Have fun. It could be the simplest of ideas. For instance, my Stealth Captain America doesn't wear his helmet, as a reference to the now famous elevator scene from "Captain America: The Winter Soldier."

14.What's your favorite cons from now on ?
     Dragon*Con will always feel like home to be. But I now live in New York City, So I love Special Edition & New York Comic Con. One day I hope to head to the mecca ... San Diego.

For those who want follow  Justin Morgan

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DRAMAtical Murder DMMD Cosplay Idea-Interview With Nikki

 Nikki is a cosplayer from  FL of Unite States. She started cosplaying in 2011 and going on !!

 So , introduce yourself shortly and say hi to everybody :D
    Hello everyone! My name is Nikki, cosplayer from Florida! Hope you're having a great day or night!

1.When did you start cosplaying ?
April 2011

2.what got you into cosplaying ?

   My friends would come back from the cons and talk about the great time they had and I want  to be a apart of it !I’ve heard about the cons since 2007 and finally went to one 4 years later after I graduated and it was amazing !

3.What’s your first cosplay ?

   2D from Gorillaz

4.Can you tell us your favorite characters about the Anime ?

   My favorite character from DMMD is (Clearly) Clear! I love his design and voice and personality. He's the sweetest out of all the boyfriends.

5.I knew that you like the DMMD ,Why ?

   I love DMMD for the design. The all over quality of the designs of the characters and environments.

6.And I also want to know what characters you ever been cosplayed ?

    Oh wow, that's a long answer. You can find the list (with links) to all the characters I've ever cosplayed here:

7.Can you tell us how the cosplays influence your daily life ?

      Hm, well I'm working most of the time, so cosplay takes the money I make? Haha. But whenever I'm out shopping, I'll usually be shopping for cosplay and not myself.

8. What's your dream cosplay?

     I'd love to be able to do a Daft Punk cosplay with a full functioning helment. Or Barnaby's Hero Suit from Tiger & Bunny!

9.You’re so unique, What future cosplays are you planning ?

 Oh,wow, thank you for thinking I am! My future cosplay list is massive but a few of the ones I really want to start on are:
Edward Elric (WIP at the moment) Dark from DN Angel Kitty from Danny Phantom (with my girlfriend as Johnny) Sophie from Howls Moving Castle (with my girlfriend as Howl) Kaoru (with my girlfriend as Hikaru) & Tamaki from OHSHC Ace Ventura EVA Unit Drop Dead Fred .To name a few I'd like to do relatively soon.

10. Will you be a professional cosplayer in future ?

   Of course !


For those who want follow Nikki

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China New Year Holiday

Attention ProCosplay Friends, due to Luna New Year holidays, it will not be possible to ship orders from 1/28/2014 until 2/10/2014. If you need your order between the days of 2/17/2014 to 2/24/2014, your order must be placed before 1/16/2014. Orders received after 1/16/2014 will not be shipped between 2/17/2014 and 2/28/2014,if you want to your order in hurry,please contact me beforce your order...

Super Dangan Ronpa Cosplay Idea-Interview with HAPPYHAHA

Interview with HAPPYHAHA

Super Dangan Ronpa

HAPPYHAHA is a cosplayer from Australia. She started cosplaying back in 2011 and never stopped!

1. So, tell us something about yourself. And say Hi to your fans :)

Hi there! I am HAPPYHAHA, a cosplayer from Australia!

2. How did you know about and get into Cosplaying?

Back in 2011, I met my first otaku friend; I used to be a closeted otaku before that since I live in such a small town, I didn t think many people would be into what I m into. One day we went into our local DVD store and saw a MADMAN (Australian Distributer of Anime/Manga) brochure which was advertising an Anime Convention in my state called Anime Island Convention (AiCon). I did not know about cosplay before then so we both began preparing for the event. There were quite a few cosplayers there, a few who actually made their whole costume. Ever since then I was inspired and started researching and saving up money so I could start making my own as well!!

3. Can you share your first cosplay experience and what character did you portray? How long have you been cosplaying?

My first cosplay experience was at AiCon, where I cosplayed as Kikyo from Inuyasha along with my friend who cosplayed as Kagome. It was our first convention. I bought the costume and made my first prop- bow and arrow, and a quiver. I enjoyed it so much, I had to continue!

4. How long have you been cosplaying?

I have been cosplaying since 2011 and began making my own costumes in 2012 when I saved up enough for a sewing machine!

5. What makes you want to cosplay?

There are a few reasons; how awesome is the series/game I m cosplaying from, how cool is the character, how fabulous is the costume design, and how challenging is the costume/prop and meeting precious people who share the same interest as me!

6. Which character is your favorite one that you have cosplayed so far?

Super Dangan Ronpa

It would have to be Black Gold Saw (Black Rock Shooter) and Leafa (Sword Art Online/Alfheim Online)

7. Have you had the experience of a cosplay gone bad, or encoutered some problems while cosplaying? What are those?

Oh yes definitely! I m still at the experimental and rookie stage when it comes to sewing and making props so many times I ve had bits and bobs of the costume fall off during conventions. Other common problems include costume being inconveniently immobile (every time), sewing things the wrong way, sizing is off, not being able to find the right wig and finding the right material just to name a few!!! I think the worse problem was the day before a convention, I had a photoshoot where I wore new heels and I did not bring a spare pair of comfy shoes so I was in heels all day walking around and my feet were full of blisters. The next day I could not stand wearing my costume s shoes so I just ditched it the first few minutes of the con.

8. Which aspect of cosplay do you prefer: making garments, creating accessories, crafting props, makeup/prosthetics, etc?

I enjoy the making part of the costume; so the sewing, prop making and accessories.

9. For your Dangan Ronpa cosplay, what preparations have you done?

I was actually going to buy the costume however, I am very paranoid when it comes to buying costume as sizing is always off! So I decided to make the whole costume (except for the skirt, badges and hair accessories for mastermind junko). It was great fun and more work than I first expected as I made the hairpieces for fake? Junko (first plushie too), both ties and the crown. I enjoyed making the crown a lot! After the costume was completed and the wig arrived, I did two photo shoot as the first one didn t go too well as we left it too late that we lost light (had no flash at the time). The second session included us going to a construction site for the first time to take photos; it was scarily exciting and felt rebellious!

10. Are there similarities between you and the characters you've cosplayed?

Super Dangan Ronpa

When I cosplay males, a lot of the ones I do are more feminine, young and uke? due to my face structure and makeup. In terms of females, I try to avoid the more revealing boobilicious characters because I lack in that area.

11. What future cosplays are you planning?

Too many!

12. What's your dream cosplay?

Trinity Blood Characters, Adekan, Sesshomaru and CLAMP series

13. Would you consider yourself as an Amateur or a Pro-cosplayer?

I d say in the middle!

14. Aside from cosplaying, what other things keep you busy in life?

Super Dangan Ronpa

Study, study, study, food, sleep and study : D

15. And aside from cosplay events/cons, do you dress up at home or out in the public?

I only cosplay when I do a shoot or am attending an event that encourages dressing up! Sometimes I wear parts of costumes casually such as the odd jackets and pants

16. Do you see yourself still cosplaying 5-10 years from now?

I hope so! I enjoy this hobby a lot and hopefully I ll have more money and experience then to do more epic cosplays.

17. What advice can you share to your fellow cosplayers and cosplay virgins?

Super Dangan Ronpa

Don t be afraid to pop that cherry. Once you start, you wont stop!! Don t be discouraged by haters and pro-cosplayers; with practice you will get to that pro-stage one day and make sure you do some research prior to making costume/props (lots of tutorials out there) and don t be afraid to ask other cosplayers for help. AND DON T FORGET, IT S MEANT TO BE A FUN (yet expensive) HOBBY!


That's it folks! Be sure you've read everything above and make your own cosplay experience!

For those who want follow HappyHAHA, you can visit her DA/FB account through this link:



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Darker than black Cosplay Idea-Interview with cosplayer BeefxCake

Interview with cosplayer BeefxCake

Darker than black

~BeefxCake is an artist that does commissions. She's an avid fan of things such as Cello, Music, Anime, Cosplay, Video games and Crafts. And for her spare time, she cosplays.And she doesn't just cosplay, she Crossplays!

1. So, tell us something about yourself.

I got by Beef Cake on many sites and it's on my artist cards, so using that name is fine. They'd be able to find me easily.

2. How did you know about and get into Cosplaying?

I've known about cosplaying since I was about 14. I knew my older friends who were into anime always talking about conventions, particularly phoenix comicon, and how they planned costumes for it. my first con was a small convention called Anizona where i dressed up as Karin from koge donbo's kamichama karin. but i had dressed up as a jigglypuff before for holloween before i entered the con scene.

3. Can you share your first cosplay experience and what character did you portray? How long have you been cosplaying?

Same as above I cosplayed as Karin for the first con i attended. my first drawn out cosplay that I went all out for was the same year and I dressed as Shigure sohma from fruits basket to Saboten convention in 2009.

4. You're known for you Hei cosplay, what particular reason did you do it for?

Hei is one of my favorite anime characters. ever since my first saboten I have always Crossplayed, dressed as male characters. I find most of my favorite characters are male and i love their designs more so than i like female designs. hey was easier to pull off the illusion of being male because he wears a mask. every part of his cosplay was fun to make. I bought his coat online from am ebay store called hellocosplay and their service was very good. the swords i made and the mask i made myself as well. running around in a black trench coat and mask you feel like the coolest person int eh world since no one knows who's under it. really fun XD

5. What makes you want to cosplay?

The whole process of cosplay I find fun. a lot of my cosplays spawn from my trips to goodwill, a thrift shop basically, i see something that looks either exactly or similar to a character i love and i just can't help but go through with it. there is only one cosplay I have done where i made everything from scratch and that was my trance kuja cosplay.

     Darker than blackDarker than black

but the idea of being someone else for a day is really fun. I love getting into character, especially when they're my favorites. I had a recent experience cosplaying as Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4 for Saboten 2013 and everyone would come up and asked me if i liked dudes and it would result in in-character responses and that's what makes cons fun for me. :iconkanjilikesdudesplz:

6. Which character is your favorite one that you've cosplayed so far?

Darker than black

Hei and Kanji for sure. hei because i felt so legitamate in it. like a qaulity cosplay but Kanji because he is one of my favorite characters if not my favorite.

7. Have you had the experience of a cosplay gone bad, or encoutered some problems while cosplaying? What are those?

Haha everytime i wore trance kuja i would have something go wrong, that costume was beatiful when i had it set up right but as soon as i started walking around a bit it would start to mess up. the leg coverings would fall down or i've get my make up smudged or it would just be too hot, arizona cons are hot most of the time the weather here is horrible for cons.

8. Was there a time you regretted cosplaying a certain character?

Not really, I love cosplaying my favorite characters, even if people don't know who i am i don't really mind. when i dressed as karin no one knew who i was, and that was ok because it was a very mediocre cosplay but when i dressed as kuja and people came up to me not sure who i was but liked it or they came up squealing over the fact i was dressed as their favorite, those moments make my day and the work i put into my cosplays worthwhile.

9. Do you observe some similarities in all the characters you've cosplayed? What similarities would it be if yes?

Well they're all men...>.> but generally the character i cosplay as are kinda dark or bad temptered. hei and L for instance are both very badass characters, they show little emotion and are cold, and kanji is just ready to beat you up where ever so then there's him. but shigure sohma also fits into that dark catagory as well as kuja, he was a final fantasy villain. yeah all my character is cosplay are male and have hints of a dark aspect in them.

10. What cosplays are you planning?

Well i would like to finish up my makoto cosplay, just some minor stuff and get a wig for my kanji cosplay. but after those i believe i am going to cosplay as the protagonist from the game journey by Thatgamecompany. and then as an original character of mine named Belial. he's all over my deviantart and i'd love to make his robes. a couple friends of mine wanted to do a shingeki no kyojin group i might do jean.

11. What's your dream cosplay?

My dream cosplay...well i have three....Chaos Vincent from Dirge of Cerberus FF7 Thanatos from Persona 3 or a Perfect Noctis Lucis Caelum from ff15. these three seem so daunting, maybe i;ll actually get a noctis one done since there isn't so much building involved but the other two there is no way i could ever XD

12. Would you consider yourself as an Amateur or Pro-cosplayer?

Oh definitely amateur XD most of my cosplay supplies i get from thrift stores and throw together well. since most of my cosplays wear street clothes it makes it easier. but im in no way a pro. i hardly no how to sew XD

13. What advice can you share to your fellow cosplayers and the so called "cosplay virgins"?

Darker than black

Cosplay who you want. if your a tiny girl who wants to cosplay a big man from street fighter, heck go for it. no ones judging you it's not a contest until you make it one. I have never had someone call me out for being not good enough or, why are you cospplaying someone so easy it's cheating. im sorry i didn't know it was a contest XD as long as you are having fun being part of the cosplay culture then do what you want. also plan ahead. i start my cosplays a few good months before i need them, so i don't feel stressed for time. it's on thing to do what you want but if you want something completed you need to plan ahead. also get frinds to go with you and do this stuff with! it's no fun

For those who want to know more about BeefxCake's art and cosplay, you can visit her DA account through this link:


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Green Arrow Cosplay Idea-Interview with Test Subject B

Interview with Test Subject B

Green Arrow

1. So, tell us something about yourself. And say Hi to your fans :)

Hey everyone I'm Brian Milne also known as Test Subject B and I operate out of Vancouver, B.C.

2. How did you know about and get into Cosplaying?

I grew up loving Halloween and playing dress up, spending months of my childhood planning what my next costume was going to be. I would make full cardboard armor suits when I was in elementary school. I was just always so enthralled by costume and prop making and I realized that's what I wanted to get into.

3. Can you share your first cosplay experience and what character did you portray? How long have you been cosplaying?

My first cosplay was Guile from Street Fighter II. I was 14 years old, 5'4" and 160 pounds of pure twig, but my god I got that anime flat top hairstyle down even if it took a whole bottle of hair spray to do it. I was so proud of my costume, I strutted around Anime Evolution '04 like I was a champ.... but then everyone mistook me for Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing. Other than that I don't remember much of my first experience, I just remember inhaling a LOT of hairspray.

4. How long have you been cosplaying?

Its almost 10 years now.

5. What makes you want to cosplay?

It's a combination of just my love for crafting and seeing children's faces when they see their favorite hero in person.

6. Which character is your favorite one that you've cosplayed so far?

Green Arrow

Green Arrow for sure. there isn't a single day where I don't miss having that beard.

7. Have you had the experience of a cosplay gone bad, or encoutered some problems while cosplaying? What are those?

the typical wardrobe malfunction is the most annoying just because those can happen when you least expect it.

8. Which aspect of cosplay do you prefer: making garments, creating accessories, crafting props, makeup/prosthetics, etc?

I actually love them all, the whole experience of creating each little piece and seeing the final product in the end is what does it for me.

9. For your Green Arrow cosplay, what preparations have you done?

Green Arrow

The only difference compared to other costumes was that I actually grew out that beard for 3 months and took archery lessons. My usual preparation for a character is rereading the issues that they appear in to get as much reference as possible for their costumes, to get their poses down, get into the character's mindset, etc. I'm basically a method cosplayer ha ha

10. Do you observe some similarities in all the characters you've cosplayed? What similarities would it be if yes?

Spandex is used for a lot of my costumes, it's just fun to work with and I love me some superhero costumes, especially the lesser known ones

11. What future cosplays are you planning?

I'm trying to get back into armor and prop making so I'm currently planning out Redeemer from Spawn and Nova.

12. What's your dream cosplay?

Bio Booster Armor Guyver. That was actually one of the costumes I built out of cardboard as a child, I just want to make one that can do my love for that series justice.

13. Would you consider yourself as an Amateur or a Pro-cosplayer?

I would still consider myself an amateur for sure, there's still so much more out there for me to learn.

14. Aside from cosplaying, what other things keep you busy in life?

Green Arrow

I try to help out the Vancouver nerd community in any way I can, be it hosting different local events, even partake in Burlesque shows on occasion under the name "Nathan FillYouIn". It's just great to get out there and meet all the different people in the community.

15. And aside from cosplay events/cons, do you dress up at home or out in the public?

Depends really, when I'm out at a nerd event I usually wear some sort of costume. but just normal days I'll just be in normal clothes, but they always tend to be nerdy in some way.

16. Do you see yourself still cosplaying 5-10 years from now?

I see myself cosplaying as long as I can. There are a lot of silver haired characters out there.

17. What advice can you share to your fellow cosplayers and cosplay virgins?

Green Arrow

If it's your first time making a costume, start off simple. Get the hang of it. When you think you're ready to start challenging yourself, do so. Ignore the haters, don't let anyone tell you you can't do a certain costume. Most of all, have fun with it, don't take it too seriously. Just get out there and enjoy yourself.

For those who want follow Test Subject B Cosplay, you can visit his FB account through this link:

Test Subject B Cosplay

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Get Sailor Moon Cosplay Idea-Interview with SailorMappy

Get Sailor Moon Cosplay Idea

Mappy Sanchez, aka SailorMappy, lives in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. She loves everythings related to Japan, be it anime or manga. SailorMappy is a famous cosplayer on DeviantArt, so hang around cause you're gonna want to read these stuff about her.

1. So, tell us something about yourself. And say Hi to your fans :)

Hi everyone! I’m Mappy Sánchez, from Venezuela, I love cosplaying and I hope you like my work, thank you for reading my interview n_n

2. How did you know about and get into Cosplaying?

I’ve loved anime all my life, ever since I can remember I watched Sailor Moon, Ojamajo Doremi, saint Seiya, Evangelion… etc. When I was very young and learned how to use the computer, I started searching for anime online and I came across cosplay, I loved watching pictures of cosplayers and i was really amazed by it. Then, when I was 12 I found out there were more anime fans in my country when I found a forum online, in that same forum I learned there was going to be a con at my city, I didn’t even thought about it and I started making a cosplay for the con.

3. Can you share your first cosplay experience and what character did you portray? How long have you been cosplaying?

The character I chose to cosplay first was Sailor Jupiter, because I’ve always loved Sailor Moon but at the time I didn’t know cosplay wigs existed, I had long brown hair so I thought I could cosplay Jupiter just fine. I was very nervous and I didn’t knOw if there were going to be any more cosplayers at the con. I was very relieved to see them when I walked in, It was really fun and a great experience that I won’t forget, it also surprised me that people wanted to take my picture.

4. How long have you been cosplaying?

I cosplayed for the first time in 2005 but could not do it again until 2010, so I’ve been cosplaying constantly for 3 years now.

5. What makes you want to cosplay?

Love for my favorite characters and series is what motivates me to cosplay, also the character designs that i find beautiful inspires me to make my own real life representation of them.

6. Which character is your favorite one that you've cosplayed so far?

Get Sailor Moon Cosplay Idea

Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon and Asuka Langley Soryu are my favorite characters of all time, so it’s only natural that I love cosplaying them so much!

7. Have you had the experience of a cosplay gone bad, or encoutered some problems while cosplaying? What are those?

I always have problems with each cosplay, i consider myself to be very bad at sewing so every project is a new challenge. Also, in my country is extremely hard to for materials, so we have to get really creative when it’s time to make props and accesories. For example, I had a lot of problems with my Asuka plugsuit, the fabric doesn’t exist in Venezuela so I had to ship it from U.S.A, also i asked for help with some pieces and at the end I hated them, I need to re-make them.

Which aspect of cosplay do you prefer: making garments, creating accessories, crafting props, makeup/prosthetics, etc?

I love making accesories like broochs, earrings and stuff like that, I also like sewing, even though it’s really hard for me, I love selecting the correct fabric and materials. On the other hand, the worst part of cosplay for me are the contact lenses, I hate putting them on.

9. For your Usagi cosplay, what preparations have you done?

Well I’ve done almost everything on my sailor moon cosplays, it was one of my early cosplays, I learned to do a lot of stuff when I made my first sailor fuku and when it was time to make the other ones it was a little easier, I take my time to make them because I want them to be as accurate as it can be, I also changed the wig because the first one wasn’t perfect for me, I always try to make a good job with Usagi because she’s my favorite and I wouldn’t forgive myself if I did a bad cosplay.

10. Are there similarities between you and the characters you've cosplayed?

I’m not exactly like them but we do share some similarities, sometimes I’m bitter or cranky like Asuka, Misty or Rukia, I’m also very clumsy and sensitive like Usagi, I also share some aspects with Asuka like the fact that I can be arrogant or proud like her, with Misty I feel very identified because her past is lot like mine, and the relationship with her sisters, I also love water and hate bugs for example haha. With every character I have some aspects which I feel identified with and also they have some characteristics I admire, like Usagi’s optimism and love for others.

11. What future cosplays are you planning?

Right now I want to finish my Mimi Tachikawa cosplay from Digimon 02, and re-do my Asuka school uniform.

12. What's your dream cosplay?

I’m proud to say that I’ve already achieved my dream cosplays, eternal sailor moon and asuka’s plugsuit! I need to find new dream cosplays.

13. Would you consider yourself as an Amateur or a Pro-cosplayer?

I’m an amateur because I don’t know how to make a lot of things yet and I need to learn how to sew properly, I tend to make things my own way.

14. Aside from cosplaying, what other things keep you busy in life?

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My friends, my boyfriend and studying, I’ll graduate from university soon n_n

15. And aside from cosplay events/cons, do you dress up at home or out in the public?

Not really, I just cosplay when I have a con or a photoshoot!

16. Do you see yourself still cosplaying 5-10 years from now?

I’d love to, I can only hope that cosplay brings some new opportunities, if I have a chance to make a living from my vocation I’d be the happiest person in the world.

17. What advice can you share to your fellow cosplayers and cosplay virgins?

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Do what you love and don’t care what others say, if you do it correctly you will show everyone that it’s worth it. Take your time to make your cosplays and put a lot of love into it, don’t be afraid to ask for help or for advice, you can approach me anytime and I will help you! Thank you for Reading my interview, lots of love for everyone!

For those who want follow SailorMappy, you can visit her DA account through this link:


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