20 years ago, an amazing Japanese anime series Sailor Moon was popular all over the world. As for the heroin, Tsukino Usagi impressed us deeply with her long blond hair and blue eyes.
Buy this summer uniform from the Cosplay and live your favorite character. This unique uniform with French thickening is ideal summer wear. Very comfortable to wear for long hours this uniform contains a shirt (white), a skirt (green), a tie (red) and a pair of stockings (black). The red tie contains a golden button at the knot. The skirt is well pleated, and the white uniform has a green shoulder strap with golden designer button. You will simply love the elegant uniform, the exact prototype of the original.
All the boy fans of My Hero do not get disappointed. We have unique summer uniforms for you as well. The uniforms are the exact prototype of the original Yui Koko characters of the series. The uniform consists of a white shirt, a red tie and a pair of pants (the specific green color) of the series. The uniform has French thickening, and the material is very comfortable to wear. The shoulder strap is green with golden button. This is a smart Yui Koko male uniform which also comes with customizable size options. A must buy for all the My Hero fans.